Service Design: Opinion of a CEO of Creative Agency in Estonia
Service Design: Opinion of a CEO of Creative Agency in Estonia The founder and CEO of the Estonian creative agency Identity, Ants Lusti, shares his views on service design. But first, what is Service Design? Service design is a creative process through which services are designed and improved, covering all…
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Creative Union welcomes the renowned event organizer WOW Events
We are very happy to announce that Creative Union now includes the event management agency WOW Events! This means that once again we have experienced event marketing gurus in our company, who have a long history and will make a necessary additional contribution to the CU skill set. How would…
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Creating a business model – why and how?
Creating a business model – why and how? Time keeps pressing on, and the environment is rapidly changing. Creating a new business model is necessary to meet the demands of today’s quickly evolving business environment. It is also important to align the business model with the brand’s identity and objectives. Why…
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Ants Lusti: “Brand is the quintessence of the nature of entrepreneurship”
In a recent article published by Eesti Ekspress, CEO of Identity and Strategist Ants Lusti shared his thoughts on brand building and its impact on companies’ activities and revealed the biggest stumbling blocks in marketing. Article: The best product should mean the best quality. Right? Unfortunately, people often struggle…
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Creative Union has a long-term tradition of noticing and acknowledging our best employees at the end of each year
Creative Union has a long-term tradition of noticing and acknowledging our best employees at the end of each year. The star employees are chosen from each agency and the group as a whole. Meet our STAR EMPLOYEES! The gala took place at the end of 2021 in the elegant Estonia…
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Best works of Estonian Design Awards 2020 displayed at the Estonian National Museum
3 February 2021 sees the opening of the Estonian Design Awards 2020 exhibition at the Estonian National Museum, which features the best of Estonian design. This is unique because the Estonian National Museum has not hosted an exhibition of contemporary Estonian design on such a big scale before.
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Creative Union really helps save the world. We have been engaged in the project below for a few months and are happy to report that we are starting to see results. However, major victories are naturally still ahead.
Estonian-German company Selfdiagnostics joined hands with the scientists of the University of Tartu and TalTech and international research partners to develop a COVID-19 rapid PCR test platform, which enables the user to identify the virus on the spot within 45 minutes. Continue reading
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We highly recommend reading the article on the coronavirus and its impact on the world by Ants Lust published in Äripäev
“Chair of the Management Boards of Creative Union and Identity, Strategist and Service Designer Ants Lusti speaks about what creative agencies learned this spring and how this can be used to their advantage” Continue reading
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Estonian Reform Party changes its long-term creative partner Kontuur for Newton
Kontuur Leo Burnett bowed out from making advertising campaigns for the Reform Party after around 20 years and handed the reins over to Newton Creative Agency, which also operates in Creative Union Group, ERR reports. Continue reading
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Newcomer to CU Digiscope Media offers clients digital marketing solutions on Estonian and foreign markets
In a situation where many companies have to reword their offers for markets, brands must be more visible than ever before in digital channels. The new agency in CU, Digiscope Media, offers clients digital marketing solutions in Estonian and foreign markets. Homepage…
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Kontuur’s most vital campaign to date
The Estonian government has launched a social campaign Lähed välja – levitad viirust. Püsi kodus! (If you go out, you spread the virus. Stay at home.), where people are invited to avoid unintentionally spreading the virus. The campaign’s creative solution is built on examples of how easy it is to…
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Creative Union’s New Year celebration
Creative Union kicked off the new year yesterday, on 9 January with a special event, which involved giving out many awards and acknowledging the best employees. Entertainment was provided by Rohke Debelakk & Tanel Padar. Extraordinarily delicious food was served by Tervise Catering. A brief illustrated summary of the…
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